
Contact: Kaitlyn Heimbecker, VP, Human Resources

Phone Number: 204.987.4489

By Mail: 1400-201 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3B 3K6


We plan to review our employment practices with the goal of attracting new employees and retaining existing employees, including persons with disabilities.

  1. Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited (“P&H) plans to set up a centralized point of contact for all questions and requests related to accessibility.
  2. P&H plans to include a statement in each of our job postings that accommodations for all candidates with disabilities is available throughout the recruitment and employment process.
  3. P&H plans to implement a “Stay at Work’ program that promotes and provides employees with disabilities with workplace accommodations.
  4. P&H plans to provide accessibility awareness training to all managers and supervisors within the current fiscal year.
  5. P&H plans to promote accessibility to our leaders and employees through various communication channel’s including our intranet, company newsletters, and communication boards.

Built Environment:

We plan to take a proactive approach in the identification of barriers that may hinder or limit current or future employees with disabilities:

  1. P&H plans to establish individual evacuation plans for those employees who have disclosed a disability and who have requested assistance in the event of an emergency.
  2. P&H will provide accessible parking marked by the International Symbol of Accessibility, where feasible.
  3. P&H will consider accessibility when current facilities and structures are being renovated and in the design of new buildings and structures.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT):

P&H plans to work closely with the IT Department to ensure accessibility is considered within the scope of IT requests and new technologies. Questions that will be asked include:

  1. Are technology assistive devices made available, when requested?
  2. Are fonts being used that can be read by screen readers and other assistive devices?
  3. Are headings used correctly to organize the structure of our content?
  4. Are links given unique and descriptive names?
  5. Are electronic forms designed for accessibility?

The Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities:

  1. P&H plans to review our supplier approval procedures and service agreements for accessibility

Customer Service:

P&H is committed to providing a high level of internal and external customer service.

  1. We will provide customer service by communicating in person, by email, in writing, by phone, or by any other alternative format when requested by an individual.
  2. We will support customers, vendors, suppliers, and visitors by allowing individuals to use their personal assistive devices while on our premises.


P&H consulted with persons with disabilities by phone in the preparation of our Accessibility Plan.


We accept feedback by regular mail, phone, and email.

Feedback will be acknowledged in the same way that the feedback is sent to us.

We do not acknowledge feedback that is sent to us anonymously.